Starting a charity on a very part time basis is crazy especially when you're self - employed. This means you spend your time working or getting the work in and for me add in two growing boys, a long legged very fast dog, a small fluffy cat and one very supportive husband (thankfully) - there is no time and yet, somehow it's happening.
Sam and I have been working hard, after our initial funding and a very successful pilot project we are now tightening up our funding applications, our aims and produced a funding activity plan, oh yes we even have a strategy and business plan!
Starting a charity is just like starting your own business so in many respects this is familiar ground to us.
Sam created Illuminate eighteen months ago and I became involved with the training aspect and got hooked. So together we want to build a professional and dynamic service that offers a unique programme to people wanting to make fundamental change in their lives.
Currently Illuminate is just hovering on the registered charity border so any new income will catapult us into the new status of being registered. Coming from a self - employed business angle we see things a little differently, the question keeps arising why do most third sector organisations pay so poorly?
I'm very aware of the added value factor that is feeling good, giving back, sharing the charities values, that drives people to apply for the jobs. However having worked for some very good charities I'm aware that you can only take staff so far on this 'doing good, feeling good' line, if you really want to keep talent you will have to reward and we know rewards come in all sorts of packages and it is salary that is linked closely to feelings of personal success and status. There is a fluid workforce who see it as a stepping stone onto something else probably earning them more money, so staff turnover is something some charities have to factor in to their long term business strategy.
The exciting part is the energy generated for all involved with Illuminate, hearing the feedback, reading the evaluations and actually seeing the change in people is really inspiring. We know it's a winner and when the hard work of searching for the right funding really hits you need the commitment and time.
Time is key here and that's something like most of you I lack however it's amazing how you find the time when you believe in something. This really has reminded me about the magic of time management. When I really want something, I'm really clear, I can really see it, touch it, feel it - I find the time, it's magic! OK not magic ... but windows of opportunity appear and prioritising takes on a new look. The real magic is in the enthusiasm and the good will from all who are supporting us.
This is why I still have my coach, not just for supervision for my profession, but also for me - my thoughts, ideas and aspirations. And I do have some aspirations to realise, I still want to change the world!